According to Western philosophy & neuroscience there is no consciousness in deep sleep but from the point of view of indian philosophy & Advaita v...... there is only consciousness in deep sleep
Let's understand with an example there is nothing to reflect the light so u do not see the light itself.
Vedantic tradition visualised the entire universe as manifestation of brahmn. Different forms exist but the origin is the same and the presence in every form is the same.in the samakhya system matter and gunas may be different across space but the super- consiousness in contact with matter is the same . The bhagwad gita reveals how a single entity holds within the entire universe.
Self is consciousness by which one is able to experience existence in all stages of life like youth , middle age , old age and in all state like deep sleep , dreaming and waking . Through consciousness reveals itself at all times the individual is not able to realise it because he falsely identifies himself with the mind & body the false notion of 'I' the ego continues to delude the individual
so when we r in deep sleep or when we get a dose of Anastasia we r not aware about what happen outside as well inside🙄 there was proper blankness but the interesting thing is our body & mind all works like always , when we r in awake state. so at time i mean in deep sleep where we go ? & Where we r because🤷 we r not aware about anything at that time but our mind , neurons ( communication between synapses mearly lost according to neurologist & anesthesiologist) , heart work's like always (involuntary) works
Consciousness somehow reveals
who i am ! Atleast in intellectual level 🤷
But it is very contradictory if you persue a/c to Western philosophy , indian philosophy & at the sight of neurologist & anesthesiologist
A/c to neurologist Consciousness needs certain level of complexity ( aprox 90billion neurons 😨when Start communicating with the subtle electrical impulses )
And when we are in deep sleep the communication through impulses ( neuron firing ) were nearly stopped
If atma is a feedback loop then the possibilities are there to create a artificial 1 🤷
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