Dilution of Vedas, the ancient Indian wisdom: The Real Reasons.
According to Akhand Sutra, the history of India can be divided into the following four Eras.
1. Satya-Yug, the first Era of Truth, when the Vedas were composed by the ancient Indian Sages by directly hearing the sound vibrations of the Universal Consciousness, called mantras or hymns, within their physical body without the aid of any external instrument. As a result, the Vedas are called Shruti, which means directly heard. During that period every human being was in tune with the Universal Consciousness and enlightened. This Era was the most evolved period of the Indian civilization and the prime focus was on the Spiritual Wealth. In fact, Veda mantras can be comprehended only by the enlightened Souls, who are in tune with the Universal Consciousness. The essence of the Universal Consciousness is beautifully wrapped in original Gayatri Mantra of Rig-Veda, the first Veda. The ancient Indian wisdom was called Sanatana Dharma, the Spiritual Way of Life and not Hindiusm.
2. During Treta-Yug, the second Era, most human beings started focusing on the material wealth, lost touch with the Universal Consciousness and could not comprehend the spiritual beauty of Vedas. The Sages of Treta-Yug contemplated on a section of a Veda and brought out the spiritual beauty of that part in the form of Upanishads, which common public could understand, appreciate and follow easily. The Epic Ramayana was composed during this Era. The most popular Gayatri Mantra was composed during this Era.
3. During Dwarpal-Yug, the third Era, the consciousness of the public declined further and common public found it difficult to comprehend the spiritual wisdom of Vedas and Upanishads. Hence, the Sages of that Era converted the spiritual wisdom of the Universal Consciousness into the story forms of Puranas, which the general public could study, understand, appreciate and apply in real life. The Epic Mahabharata, Holy Gita and Maha Gayatri Mantra are the greatest contributions of this Era.
4. During Kal-Yog, the present and fourth Era of Darkness, most of the living human beings throughout the world have declined to the lowest level of consciousness and cannot comprehend the spiritual wisdom of Vedas, Upanishads, and other scriptures of the ancient Indian wisdom any more.
Sanatana Dharma, which believed and propagated the concept one united family of human beings, called Vasu-Dev-Kutumb, has been forced to become a religion for various reasons. It is unfortunate that the religions are dividing the human race instead of uniting (realigning) the human race with each other.
I am convinced that the spiritual land of India, which gave the world the hidden wisdom of the Universal Consciousness, is still guided by the Great Sages of Vedas. Time has come for the revolution and evolution of Sanatana Dharma.
With the help of Akhand Yoga, the scientific path to the Universal Consciousness, we can still find the hidden secrets of Vedas and the Universal Consciousness, and become the perfect spiritual beings and lay Foundation for Everlasting World Peace. We can revive the Era of Truth once again.
Divyank, the Divine Constant, Divyank Ratio, Divyank Sequence, and Akhand Sutra, are the new and latest contributions of the Spiritual India for the spiritual evolution of the human race.
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