Osho was charismatic, but people were mainly attracted to his books and meditation techniques.
Osho was an incredibly eleqoent public speaker, and had a wealth of spiritual knowledge, as well as a good understanding of human psychology, and he was already attracting huge crowds of twenty to fifty thousand people in his public lectures around India in the sixties,as well as his smaller meditation camps.
In the early seventies, he began to attract western disciples ,who began to experiment with the meditation techniques, and after his move from Mumbai to the Korageon Park ashram in Poona in 1974, many spiritual seekers began arriving from the West.
But Osho had something more than eleqouent public speaking and charisma- he had a very potent energy field around him which people could actually feel, and would actually raise the consciousness of people physically close to him.
In the eastern traditions this is sometimes known as shaktipat. Many people had powerfull spiritual and life changing experiences when meeting him one to one, and this made him a very attractive spiritual teacher.
He didnt just have the talk, he also had the walk to back it up too.
Osho’s main method of working with his disciples went deeper however, than his words or the energyfield that surrounded his physical presence. He was able to work directly in the heart’s of his disciples, this kind of connection meant that he is able to work with his close disciples from a distance, and beyond the boundaries of time and space.
