Is human life more precious than pigs life , Simply because the human collective is more powerful than the pig collective ? In contrast when we privilege human children over piglets we want to believe that this reflects something deeper than the ecological balance of power . We want to believe that human lives really are superior in some fundamental way . We sapiens love telling ourselves that we enjoy some magical quality that not only accounts for our immense power but also gives moral justification for our privileged status . What is this unique human spark ?
The traditional monotheists answer is that only sapiens have eternal SOUL .
Since pics and other animals have no soul , they don't take part in this cosmic drama . We should therefore care far more about eternal human souls than about ephemeral pigs .The belief that humans have eternal souls whereas animals are just evanescent bodies is a central pillar of our legal , political and economic system it explains why for example it is perfectly ok for humans to kill animals for food or even just for the fun of it
However our latest scientific discoveries flatly contractor this monotheist myth :
True, laboratory experiments confirm the accuracy of one part of the myth: just as monotheist religions say , animals have no souls. All the careful studies and painstaking examinations have failed to discover any trace of a soul in pigs, rats or monkeys. AlSO, the same laboratory experiments undermine the second and far more important part of the monotheist myth, namely, that humans do have a soul. Scientists have subjected Homo sapiens to tens of thousands of bizarre experiments, and looked into every nook in our hearts and every cranny in our brains. But they have so far discovered no magical spark.There is no scientific evidence that in contrast to pigs , sapiens have souls
Yet the life sciences doubt the existence of soul not just due to lack of evidence but rather because the very idea of soul contradicts the most fundamental principles of evolution .this contradiction is responsible for the unbridled hatred that the theory of evolution inspires among devout monotheist .
Why does the theory of evolution provoke such objections , whereas nobody seems to care about the theory of relativity or quantum mechanics ?
How come politicians don't ask that kids be exposed to alternative theories about matter, energy, space and time? After all, Darwin's ideas seem at first sight far less threatening than the monstrosities of Einstein and Heisenberg. The theory of evolution rests on the principle of the survival of the fittest, which is a clear and simple - not to say humdrum - idea. In contrast, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics argue that you can twist time and space, that can appear out of nothing, and that a cat can be both alive and dead at the same time. This makes a mockery of our common sense, yet nobody seeks to protect innocent schoolchildren from these scandalous ideas. Why?
The theory of relativity makes nobody angry, because it doesn't contradict any of our cherished beliefs. Most people don't care an iota whether space and time are absolute or relative. If you think it is possible to bend space and time, well, be my guest, Go ahead and bend them. What do I care? In contrast, Darwin has deprived us of our souls. If you really understand the theory of evolution, you understand that there is no soul. This is a terrifying thought not only to devout Christians and Muslims, but also to many secular people who don't hold any clear religious dogma, but nevertheless want to believe that each human possesses an eternal individual essence that remains unchanged throughout life, and can survive even death intact.
The literal meaning of the word 'individual' is 'something that cannot be divided'. That I am an 'in-dividual' implies that my true self is a holistic entity rather than an assemblage of separate parts.
This indivisible essence allegedly endures from one moment to the next without losing or absorbing anything. My body and brain undergo a constant process of change, as neurons fire, hormones flow and muscles contract. My personality, wishes and relationships never stand still, and may be completely transformed over years and decades. But underneath it all I remain the same person from birth to death - and hopefully beyond death as well.
Unfortunately, the theory of evolution rejects the idea that my true self is some indivisible, immutable and potentially eternal essence. According to the theory of evolution, all biological entities - from elephants and oak trees to cells and DNA molecules - are composed of smaller and simpler parts that ceaselessly combine and separate. Elephants and cells have evolved gradually, as a result of new combinations and splits. *SOMETHING THAT CANNOT Be DIVIDED or CHANGED CANNOT HAVE COME INTO EXISTENCE THROUGH NATURAL SELECTION*
That's why the theory of evolution cannot accept the idea of souls, at least if by soul we mean something indivisible immutable & potentially eternal
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