Whether u realize or not u always choosing to give a f**** about something .

Once an artist say if u don't have any problem your mind find the way to get the problems .

u are entangled &  crippled by unworthy selfmade illusionic problems that even don't matter anyway 🤷 , because u don't have anything more important in ur life as bag of burritos

U have to prioritize fu**worthy things in ur life

Problems didn't go anywhere they  just f**king improved

The key of a Good life is you exchange your problem for better problem by solving it

Subtly stop giving a f***

Who's to blame for u problem & take responsibility

Our culture subtly implies that we should  not have any problem advertisers tells us about the problem free life that await us if we buy their products

When u take responsibility for ur problems u will feel empowered to do something about them cuz taking responsibility is saying to urself if I'm not in a better place a month from now it's my fault I'm responsible for what happens from this moment forward

With great responsibility comes great power

When you take responsibility of ur problems u take responsibility for how ur problems mskes u feel

After talking full responsibility for ur  problems u must subtly stop giving a f**k how painful ur problems r

Ur sucess in life is determine by how u answer the question what pain can i sustain ?

Eg , gym

The subtlety in subtlty not giving a f**k about how painful ur problems r is knowing what painful problems you should lean into & what painful problems u should avoid   to know which pain u should lean into you need to know ur values 

All emotional and psycological pain results from a value being violated If seeing ur child struggling to read is painful is because u value ur child happiness

Whenever u struggling with problem ask ur self what is the underlining values that is causing my painTake a imaginary drive with that value 

 What if i made my life all about this 1 value ??!

Replace ur bad value by adding meaningful values  values u r willing to suffer

Life is full of  suffering but ur suffering will  be meaningful if you choose values that are worth suffering for U have so many fucks to give in life u must use them wisely

#2 You have to accept the way you are & don't give a fu*k .

If someone said  that you are  not good enough - yeah I am not but who give a fu*k ! Do you ? 

The problem is you are being angry about anger thing is you have to accept yourself & then who cares about giving a fu*k 

U r now being yourself & when you accept yourself the others were feel  secure to being around a complete man

From the past two years we have more information that ever we have we feel lonely / empty because in every 5 minutes we bombarded with 350 pictures in fb feed which probably seems to be happier it is so because we giving to much fu*ks about things & peoples

#3 When we are young everything is new and exciting and everything seems to matter so much we give tons of fuck.

As we get older with the benefit of experience we begin to notice that most of this sort of things have little lasting impact on our lives those peoples whose opinions we  care  about so much before are no longer present in our lives . Rejection that were  painful is the moment have actually worked out for the best .

We become more selective about the fucks we're willing to give . An it is something called *maturity* maturity is what happens when one learns to only give a f**k about what's truly fuckworthy 

